The First Book of Medgag
The BeginningsAll that was began with God. He spoke and all of creation came to be. The stars and the moon were placed in the heavens and set in motion by his thoughts. He formed the land of men placing it before the Sun. By his word life was released on the surface of the land. Every creature in the water, and on the land, and in the sky came from the power of God. With his own hands, he gave man existence and breathed life into his soul.
The Master God gave man dominion over the creatures of the land of men. The man named each animal in the ocean, on the ground and in the sky.
In his own likeness, God made man and from the man he created woman that the man might not be alone. When he brought woman to man, the man was so pleased that he called the woman Eve because she would be the mother of all who live. For himself, he chose the name Adam since he was the first of men.
So God made the Land of Eden and grew in its midst a garden of magnificent splendor. He gave the garden and all of Eden to the man and woman. He permitted them to use all of Eden for their own pleasure except for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which he had planted, in the center of the garden.
At that moment of Creation the Dark One, who had fallen with the hosts of heaven, did not have authority in the land of men. When he came down to see what God had made he saw the woman walking in the garden. He asked of the woman, “Why do you not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?”
She answered him, “God has forbidden us to eat from the tree in the middle of the garden nor may we touch it or we shall die.”
“God knows you will not die,” he told her. “He knows that when you eat of the fruit of the tree he has made for you, you will be like God himself, knowing both of good and evil.”
The woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good to eat and so she took fruit from the tree and ate it. Then she gave some of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to her mate. He defied the will of God and he too ate of the fruit.
In the coolness of the morning, God came to fellowship with the first ones but they hid themselves from him.
“Where are you, man,” he asked?
Adam told God of the Dark One’s deception over the woman and how he took of the fruit offered by his mate. The anger of the Master burned against the man for his sin. Then God killed the beasts of the field to make coverings for the man and his mate as they saw shame in their nakedness. The Master forbid the first ones to remain in the garden having force them into the Land of Eden. To the east of the garden he placed elfin guards to watch over the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Now Adam lay with his mate and she conceived a son. Adam named the son Cain, who was followed by the birth of the second son, Abel. Cain was a tiller of the soil while Abel was pleased to tend to the flocks. Abel brought some of the first-born of his flocks, the fat portions, to the Master as a gift. Seeing this, Cain returned to his crops and brought some of the produce to God. The Master received Abel and his gift with favor; but Cain and his gift were not received. Cain was angry and his countenance fell. “Why are you so angry” asked God. “Do you not know that Abel took great care in his offering. You, however, brought in haste without thought. Return to your fields and think on what is of good and what is of self-interest.”
Cain waited until the Master had left the land and he went to his brother and said, “Let us go into the open country.” While they were there, Cain struck his brother Abel and murdered him. Then he tried to hide the body of his brother where it could not be found. The next occasion when the Master returned he asked Cain, “Where is your brother?” But Cain told the Master he did not know.
“Do you not hear the blood of your brother crying out to me from the ground,” asked God. And for his crime, the Master cast Cain out of the land of Eden and his presence into the Land of Nod. So that the brothers of man would not hunt him down, God gave to Cain a mark so that anyone who met him would not kill him.
And Cain lay with his mate and she gave him many sons and daughters. That is how the sons of Cain came to inhabit the Land of Nod. Then the sons of Cain became builders of cities and Enoch the first son of Cain built Stone City.
Adam lay with his mate and she bore him a son they called Seth, for he was the son given by God to replace Abel. Seth too had a son, whom he named Enosh. At that season of Creation men began to invoke the Master by name.
Adam and Eve had many sons and many daughters and when they had lived nine hundred and thirty seasons they died.
The twelfth son of Adam was named Javan. He was the one who led his people into the Land of Cush at the base of the mountain now know as King’s Mountains. He lay with his mate and she gave him a son he called Crom. Javan had many sons and daughters. When Javan was seven hundred and three seasons old he died.
Crom took the people into King’s Mountains in search of The Most High God. When he could not find the Master, he stayed in the mountains to call upon his name. Crom became the first of men to be called king by his people. When he was seventy seasons he lay with his mate and she gave him a son, Jared also known as the builder. King Crom had seven sons and thirteen daughters. When his seasons were full he died.
The children of Adam filled the Land of Eden. It came to be that many went from the Land of Eden to find room for their people. The descendents of Theer crossed the Pishon River and settled in the Land of Havilah. Malachi took those of his people to the Land of Asshur that run east of the river Tigris. Nahor followed the Euphrates River to the north and settled in the valley beside the Great Ocean, which is at the foot of the northern Stone Mountains.
The rest of the history of man is found in the Book of Men.
A Message to Kings
The Sons of Adam forgot the way of their God. Seeking their own pleasures they settled into the Land of Nod without purpose of life. They built great cities to their own glory, filling them with the works of their hands. The high walls and towers of the cities reached into the sky like giant hands grasping for their God. But The Most High did not respond.
So they made for themselves kings to rule over them. These kings raised armies of men and fought against each other for control of Creation. With their armies the kings did not need God. The people lost their memories of him. Their hearts turned to their own way.
The day came when God walked among the Sons of Adam and they no longer knew him.
In the first season of the kings, the Master of Creation came to me, Medgag, son of Heron, as I worshipped on the Mount of Adoration in the light of the morning. I fell before him as one stricken and I could not move.
“Arise,” he said, “and write down my words in the tongue of men. Give my words to the people that they might know me. Say this to the Sons of God: You have forgotten my name and forsaken my worship. You do not seek after me as you did in your youth. You have gone after those who fell with the Morning Star and cannot be returned. Their way is wicked and their path will bring you sorrow. Yet, you run after them as a newborn searches for the milk of his mother.”
“A fallen prince of heaven will seek to rule over men. He will mass his armies when the daughters of men cross the great divide. His armies will roll over the armies of men like a stone rolls over grass as it descends a mountain. Death will be his banner and destruction will be his way.”
The greatest of the armies of kings shall fall before the sword of the evil of the dark land. The people will perish but for the King of Kings. It shall be by his blood poured out on the blade of wood that he will pierce the head of the serpent. Only by his blood can the darkness be destroyed.”
“Say this to the kings of the land of men and write it in the tongue of men.”
I wrote on parchment the word of the Master God, The Most High of all Creation. And when I looked up I was alone.
I, Medgag, son of Heron, servant of the One who sent me, took the message to Crom the Elder who ruled from Kings Mountains. The king did not heed the Master’s warning nor did the people change their ways.
In my grief I tore my clothes and put ash on my head. When I could no longer support the foolishness of man, I returned to the Mount of Adoration.
Prayers of Medgag
This is the testimony of Medgag while he was praying in first light. I, Lamm, his servant and scribe, have written this account with my own hand as told to me by my master.
The spirit of Medgag cried out to the Master of the Mountains for the nations of men. How dreadful have become the sins of this generation? Never has man fallen so far from the Way of God. Yet, men do not see the evil of their goings and their comings. They use their daughters to barter and trade. Their sons take what they desire in their hearts, doing harm to any who resist their will. Some give up their infants to false worship.
The God of Creation looked on the tears of his servant Medgag and had pity for the sons of Adam. He spoke to Medgag saying, “Fear not in your soul for your brothers for they shall be redeemed from their evil.”
There shall be a son of a king, the descendent of a family of kings whose blood will heal men’s souls. He will come from the tribe of the great king to lead the chosen against the dark evil.
The King of Kings will unite a people. His rule will last a thousand years. The heavens will declare his worth and a star shall point the way to his beginning. Kings of foreign lands will fall at his feet in worship at his birth.
O that his children would know their Savior when he walks their roads. Who will call upon his name? Who will give him allegiance?
The King of Kings
I am Medgag, son of Heron, the least of all who serve The Most High. In my night prayers I had a vision. I recorded the things that I saw in my own hand that all might know what wondrous sights I beheld.
I saw the King of All Kings standing on a field of battle, his enemies spread out before him. On his head he wore a crown unlike any worn of kings before him or after. His empty hands held the Sword of Kings that would crush the head of evil.
Though he was betrayed by the sons of man, yet did he take the wrath upon himself? The price of victory was the fall of the Prince of Peace and Master of Men. Condemned to the grave of kings, he would not stay. The heavens would see his glory and the ground would show his footprints.
Born to the line of princes, he would stand in the place of kings. His blood will cover the ground and drench the tree of life.
How beautiful were his wounds. So white was all that was covered in his blood.
When I awoke I felt his peace. For many days I was at complete rest with my soul.
The Lament for Man
Like fire on a mountain, so are the days of men written by the hand of God before their seasons had begun. It is a story as ancient as mankind, a tale of war between good and evil. His ways are known still his path is not bared. His footsteps can distinctly be heard and yet the door remains open.
Man is the sole of the creations of God apart from the Hosts of Heaven who has been given freedom to know his way. How is it that he is so quick to give himself over to a king. And yet, before that king has grown of any age, he will seek out another claiming the first too repressive.
What has happened sons of men to your righteousness? Who has stolen it from you? How long will you insist on giving yourselves to the one who does not create?
And you, o fallen one, where is your glory? Were you not among the highest of creation? Where are you now? Did you not know the joys of the courts of heaven and behold the splendors of the throne of thrones? Yet, did you not say, “I will rise above The Most High. I will sit my throne above all.”
Were you not the most beautiful of those who served in the highest? How is it then that you took one third of the Master’s Host in your fall? You were once called the Morning Star but who honors you now?
You seek what can never truly be yours. What reward will you find for your bended knee? Are you prepared to endure the darkness of your choices?
How foolish are those who listen to the voice that can never again know forgiveness. Men of men what have you done?
We know this for sure; our destination is far better than where we are now.
There is no man who is truly free, just levels of servant hood. For what man has not traded his freedom to a taskmaster? Watch the one whose voice is the loudest for he is likely a bondservant of his deepest passions.
I once saw evil in all its darkness. It begged me in and I was drawn by its power. How hard it was to stay in the security of the light.
Why Kings are Men
Many is the king who thought more of his wisdom than reality would consider wise.
Kings always believe they must act in every situation resulting in rashness of action and shallowness of thought.
You can send a messenger to a king with good news and he will ignore the herald. But should a rider bring the king tales of trouble, he will mobilize his army and march into the field for the glory of battle.
Thoughts from the Master
As my seasons mount I find that so do my questions. This is a puzzle, a riddle of humanity’s folly. Can you make a stone come to life or awaken a fallen branch? Can you kill a God who, with a simple word, created all things? Yet men try to make life where there is none. And still does humanity struggle to extinguish the existence of the Creator.
The Master is the creator of all that is good and to wait on him is the greatest good.
We stand between the wrath of God and the lost of the world. Our prayer holds back his judgment.
Beware of the truly wise of the world. For they think they can discern the very will of God. But the ways of God are known only to him and the secrets of Creation are his alone.
The search for wisdom can lead a man to folly as the seeking of wealth can lead to ruin. Wealth is a great servant but a terrible master.
Pride is the first step to any fall and a boasting spirit leads toward destruction.
Do not fear the unexpectant. An altered plan often produces success.
Remember the God of your youth when you are old and the seasons are shorter. Surround yourself with the memories of his blessings. The God you followed with your whole heart when your seasons were fresh will keep you safe in the lateness of your seasons from the fears of a life full of regrets.
Most men pray when they have few other options. It is far better to pray before the storm than during a tempest or during a season of plenty before the coming of famine. However, a prayer never uttered is far worse than one poorly said.
I know so little about the other side of Creation, yet of this one thing I am sure; no man can make his journey there except by the will of God. No being of its realm may beckon him to cross its expanse less the man first grant him the right.
The Need to Worship
There are occasions when we must remember from whence we came that we might not loose our focus of where we want to go. We take the soil in our hands for it is our beginning. The water we use to wash the soil from our skin so that we would remember what we are. A man was made from the dust of the field, is sustained by the water of the hills and will return to the soil. Such is the way of men.
You who are of righteousness have you seen those who dwell in the dark places of life? They do not know what waits for them in the light. That is the reason they are slow to recognize the path you trod. If not for the patience of God they could never find him. This is why we pray, we, his righteous, are in their service. Our prayers hold back the wrath of their Judge; we stand between those in the darkness and the reward for evil.
A Vision of the Future
I, Medgag, when I was younger and full of strength, would climb the highest of the peaks of my mountain home. It was there that I would ask God and seek visions of his way that I might take the thoughts of my God to his creation.
On one such quest I saw the folly of man and witnessed its price. God opened my eyes and I saw a great boat drifting on an ocean the size of the land of men. In the boat was the whole of the righteous of men. The family of the one who did not turn his face from God. With him in the vessel were all of the animals of the land that must be saved. Now the boat was without oar and rudder, steered by the hand of God.
Why is it, men of Creation that you have fallen so far you cannot be restored? Why have you given yourself to the dark king? Did you not see that your ways were not the Way of God? Did you not think that the One who created you would also end your days? Now here you are. Nothing more than a remnant worth salvation.
Then I wept for the souls of my brothers and sisters. For what else could I do? I am but a voice. Oh man that you would have listened to that voice as it cried from the mountains, “Make way for the King of your salvation will come. Look for him and he will bring you what you cannot find on your own.”
The Man of God
To my brothers who will follow me up to the Mount of Adoration I pen this letter lest you think me more than the man I was. I am Medgag, servant of the Most High God. As this is my 830th season of life, I am no longer so young that I am neither ashamed of my failings nor so bold as to believe that I am without them.
It seems so long ago now when I went up to the highest of the mountains. I had asked to know what would be the way of the nations of men because of their fall from the Way of God. And when I saw the future of man’s deeds I lifted my fist to God and demanded that he change the course of events.
For my arrogance I was struck down. My eyes were closed; my ears were shut and my voice taken from away. For one season I was without their use. Left only with the thoughts of God I saw the excesses of my life. When my season of humility was ended my senses returned. I became whole.
I was humbled that I might see his greatness above all. I was brought low that I might rise higher on his wings than I ever imagined. The lesser I was, the greater he became.
The Coming King
When I saw the King of Kings he was standing before the Dark One. His weapon was like that of a large sword forged of the wood of the forest. The blow he struck was mortal to the Deceiver.
The Hosts of Heaven celebrated his victory while the fallen fled before his righteousness.
The King who was above all kings stood in front of the gates of Hell to declare, “It is finished.” And generations before and those yet to come will know his salvation.
Disciplines of Faith
It should be understood that man is totally free. Yet freedom has its limitations. One can chose a path but not the results of walking that path. Pleasures today can become tomorrow’s torments.
Strong is the man who has given all that he is to the Way of God. He will have the power to move mountains and the wisdom not to.
A wise man controls his tastes and retrains his impulses.
Six days are for man and one is given to God. A tithe of one’s wealth brings release from all possessions.
Strong drink clouds the mind while water cleanses. Heavy meals slow the body but moderation provides a healthy spirit.
Free is the man controlled by the Way of God. He shall never know the slavery of the one in bondage to his own desires.
Understand that our true battles are not against the weapons of this world or the flesh of men. No, we fight against the enemies of the Way of God in all their formations. The rulers and masters, soldiers and minions of the dark way who seek nothing but to destroy man’s relationship with his God.
Humility keeps a man from the pitfalls of pride, thinking himself more than he is and important beyond his worth. The truly humble man does not seek his own honor but the betterment of mankind even at the cost of his life. The wise man keeps his accomplishments to himself and the praise of God always on his lips.
A short life well lived is far more desirable than a long life foolishly spent. The days are numbered and the lengths of a man’s days are written on the parchments of Creation. Therefore, do not let faith slip from your grasp. It is truly the greatest of God’s gifts to a man or woman. How hard is it to believe that a bird can fly when you have seen the soaring of a hawk? How hard is it to believe in the strength of the wind when you have seen it topple a tree? But to believe that of which you have only heard and never seen, that is the measure of a man. If you have tested a thing and not found it to be false then what is it? Faith is the ability to believe when eyes do not see, ears do not hear and fingers do not touch. The Way of God is foolishness to those who seek to make him like a man. His path is clear but his hands work in mysteries.
Stories From Creation
The Hosts of Heaven gathered before the throne of God with the evil one in their midst.
“Your brothers have come to give me praise,” said God. “Why have you come?”
“I have come to demand what is mine,” he replied.
“Your season will come,” responded God, “and you will receive what you have earned.”
With that, the evil one left the presence of God for there was nothing for him there. He went to the nations of men in search of what he desired. And he found there men willing to give him what was his great longing. They traded what they had, not considering it of much worth. But the Dark One was not content. He saw that those willing to give him worship were few and he coveted the whole of Creation. That is when he set his heart on having all of the souls of men for his own. Yet, it was not his season.
Wanderings From The Land of Nod
I once came upon a man sitting on a log watching two other men fighting. I asked him what the fight was all about. “Nothing,” he responded. “Why do you not stop them?” I asked. “Then what would I do to amuse myself?” was his response.
In the richness of the farmlands of the plains of Asshur was a farmer tilling his soil. I remarked to him of the splendor of his crops. “It is the morning mists,” he said. How strange, I thought, to give praise to the tool and not the Creator of the tool.
There was once a man who was so wise that even the God of Creation could not teach him. He eventually died and learned the extent of his knowledge. Such is the pity.
The Most High God told me once of the creation of woman. There is no other creature in Creation more precious to him. Yet I found those who used women as barter for trades and objects for pleasure. Can there be anything in all of Creation more foolish? I think not. Blessed will be the man whose values are from the heart of God.
Many were the stories of the men who claimed that they could not die until they were ready. But I know them to be false. For I was there when they died. One such man was my brother of younger seasons, Zerubab. He was a proud man of many passions. He built a city of stone. His vineyard grew the grapes for one thousand skins of wine. He took for himself four mates and had children and children of his children too numerous to count. Yet he fought death to the last breathe refusing to release his life. In the end, it was not his to determine the number his days and he passed to the other side. I saw it all with my own eyes.
The Song of the King
A verse of song written by Medgag for the worship of the faithful in the Hall of Light.
I am lost in the silent spaces of Creation.
I have fallen into the chasms of despair.
How deep must I go?
How long must I stay here?
When comes the King?
When comes the Deliverer of my soul?
When comes the One who will set me free from all I have become?
In the quiet of the night my heart bleeds.
In the darkness of life my spirit cries.
Who will heal me?
Who will relieve me of my suffering?
When comes the King?
When comes the Deliverer of my soul?
When comes the One who will set me free from all I have become?
There are those who claim the darkness.
And those who come to seize the dying.
But there is One who forgives.
One who opens the tombs of the living.
Send forth the King.
Prepare for the Deliverer of our souls.
Make way for the One setting free the captives from their chains.
The Song of the Hunt
Chase the wind and grab the waves.
Let loose the hounds for the hunt must begin.
Run swiftly the trails of the forest and search for tomorrow.
For today has been lost to evil, and yesterday was given to the folly of men.
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